Breaking out from the Comfort Zone is Must | Santosh Pandey | TEDxBhaktapur

In this talk, Santosh Pandey talks about his journey from the shy, introverted boy to the top-class entrepreneur. How he embarks on his step by breaking the cocoon of his comfort zone to grab the series of opportunities. He believes that life gives you limited editions of opportunities, grab it when life bestow. Santosh Pandey is the Co-Founder of Offering Happiness, Nepal’s largest gifting platform pioneering in experiential gifting, surprise planning & corporate gifting (est. 2017). He is the winner of the Global Student Entrepreneur Awards (GSEA)-Nepal 2018 and has represented Nepal in its global competition, Macao.

Event Location

Event Venue : Hotel Heritage, Barahisthan(Gapali), Bhaktapur
Event Date : 3rd September 2022

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