Sitaram Hachhethu is a Former Inspector of Traffic Police and current Chief of Lalitpur Metropolitan City Police. He has had a considerable experience of 29 years as traffic police. During his long-run service as Traffic police, he was honored with a total of 129 awards. Among all of these, he was awarded the most prestigious award “Gorkha Dakshina Bahu” for his devotion to the country and its people.
Hachhethu initiated several reforms in the traffic and road management system in Nepal. It was through his initiation that ‘MaPaSe’ check became an actual thing and drunken drivers were examined.
Since taking over the lead of Lalitpur Metropolitan City Police, Hachhethu along with his team carried out several road reform functions. He set out to fix dangling wires, fill potholes, bringing down obstructive roadside poles, liquor adverts, illegal fences, and road-encroaching shops. His contribution to maintain road cleanliness, keeping temples clean, and managing crowds and roadside vendors beat out the best.
Hachhethu has also been very strict about planned parking . He introduced penalties for those parking their vehicles at no parking zones in the Lalitpur metropolitan city. As per the rule, two-wheeler and four-wheeler violators are fined Rs 500 and Rs 1,000, respectively. He believes that his way of the implication of new rules is the process of building a system.