Roja Kiran Basukala, Deputy Director of the Nepal Telecommunications Authority, Vice President of Centre for Cyber Security Research and Innovation, Executive Member of Women in Information Technology and advisor to the Women in ICT Committee of CAN Federation. She holds B.E. (Computer), L.L.B and M.P.A degrees from Tribhuvan University and Masters degree in Information and Communication Engineering from Chosun University, Korea.
She has contributed in regulation of radio frequency spectrum management of 4G services, cyber security and monitoring of telecom and internet services in Nepal. She has initiated Girls in ICT campaigns in Nepal as a co-ordinator to promote more women and girls in the ICT sector.
She has been recognized as a lead expert of the Working Group on Spectrum of South Asian Telecommunication Regulators’ Council by Asia Pacific Telecommunity. She been awarded with National ICT Excellence Award (Woman), Outstanding Youth Professional Award and Most Influential Person this year.