TEDxBhaktapur is a volunteer-run, non-profit organization. Therefore, your partnership with TEDxBhaktapur ensures the success of our event, allowing us to provide attendees with an exceptional and unique experience. We are excited to partner with local forward-thinking companies for this event that value creative solutions, innovation and meaningful impact in the society. We are currently in the process of inviting a few renowned entities to collaborate in this event through active participation or sponsorship and support.
Event Details :
Theme: “Acknowledging the Voices”.
Date: 3rd September 2022
Venue : Hotel Heritage, Barahisthan, Bhaktapur
Targeted Audience: approximately 100 attendees, which will mainly be comprised of entrepreneurs, business leaders, Young Minds and other professionals.
Contact Person for sponser
Nhuza Kiju: 9843578712
Anil Pawn : 9851182820
Sadam Bala : 9841117419
Chandra Prajapati : 9849128421
Email : tedx.bhaktapur@gmail.com